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Page history last edited by termie 17 years, 3 months ago


Guide To San Francisco

for friends of Andy who might be visiting or whatever :)


Event Listing:


Breakfast / Brunch












Underage Drinking Guide -- New!

  • Persian Aub Zam Zam - (above) - have never seen them card at the door, walk in with a few people and sit at one of the corner tables in the back in the dark, let other people buy your cocktails at the bar
  • Toronado - (abbove) - they rarely card at the door, if you don't look underage and sit with people at one of the further tables from the bar you have a pretty good chance of having them be able to buy beers for you
  • Rye - http://www.yelp.com/biz/GIm5jbvmymBNo_e7Y84efw - this is the other side of town a bit, but they don't card at the door and people should be able to buy you all the basil gimlets your heart could desire



Food after Drinks



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